The story revolves around Shirou Emiya, a hardworking and honest teenager who unwillingly enters the fifth iteration of a to-the-death battle royale called the Holy Grail War, where combatants fight with magic and Heroes throughout history for a chance to have their wishes granted. Orphaned and the sole survivor of a massive fire in Fuyuki City as a child, Shirou was taken in by a retired magus named Kiritsugu Emiya, who died some years later. Shirou's feelings of responsibility for those who died and his own salvation through his father formed a strong desire for justice and peace in him.
My friend recommended this anime to me and it's great so far
I wish I had powers, I'd be on demon timing fr
Amazing animation!
I'm confused, in which order do I watch this?
Goku does NOT want to see Saber, he will get touched
The manga is better but the anime is good too, I guess